There are few things we want to bring under your attention before sharing your excitements. You can find all these rules and regulations about Reviews, Photos, and Profiles in our user agreement section.
By sharing your Dining, entertainment, Tours, Wedding places and social experiences through how much gives happiness to not only us but also to our all members you can’t even imagine!
There are few things we want to bring under your attention before sharing your excitements. You can find all these rules and regulations about Reviews, Photos, and Profiles in our user agreement section. will always inform you about its rights regarding your specific activities and events. Please note that we reserve the right to make the necessary intervention regarding Making a Comment, Deleting a comment, Warning us about a specific comment, won’t allow usage of any kind of harsh language, swearing in its platform. reserves the right to delete your account without letting you know in case it is necessary to make changes.
You can let us know if your comment has been incorrectly deleted or censored if you think by sending us an e-mail:
However, due to the diverse user audience you might encounter content not suitable for you, may not be sufficient criteria for the removal of the content from DishAdvisor. It also will automatically be censored by the system that is written in a comment.
How much a chocolate is flowing through delicious looking chocolate cake at the image, there’s no way to describe it. So, you keep in mind the photo instructions and some pictures why these are moved (or removed). It is very important to understand that. Ambience photos, your followers should give a feeling as they’re at that particular place.
Make sure about uploading the picture because it can give you bad reviews. And the photo should be the related to that particular place which you’re uploading it to the Dish Non related photos wouldn’t be shown to the Dish as it would be always needed a confirmation from before it is going to be uploaded. doesn’t allow any kind of advertising material without its consent. also doesn’t allow non-aesthetic, and the photos posted by the public without its approval. has the highest level of ethics and integrity elements, and expects this to continue. Its core values and conditions are listed below:
DishAdvisor comments and photo moderators are always to remain neutral for their criteria .Their moderation rules are required to implement the best and unbiased, nor shall they be privileged to restaurants. reserves a right to delete a comment from any client’s detailed page for the negative behavior which is against of its rules.
If you encounter a situation that does not comply with these rules, please let us know